In order to maintain weight in a normal level and maintain health we should eat a variety of foods from five food groups. Weight loss of 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week weight loss which should not harm your health, and ultimately lose weight when you will not help much. To do this you need to reduce caloric intake by about 3.500 to 7.000 calories per week, which means less intake of about 500 to 1000 calories from the daily average consumption. You can reduce caloric intake by replacing high in one less caloric food like fruits, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates, and increase physical activity. Of course, it is important to watch than the kind of food you eat and portion sizes, which can be quite difficult, because obese people often kneventually lose a sense of what is "normal" serving.
Serving Size:
- Meat and fish
- Size of a deck of cards to play
- Two eggs
- four tablespoons of beans or lentils
Meat, fish and their alternative foods
Meat, fish, eggs and alternative foods such as beans and lentils, contain proteins that are essential for growth and recovery. Foods rich in protein, especially meat, is also a rich source of iron, selenium, zinc and vitamin B. To further reduce fat intake with protein foods such as skin off the chicken, trim off the obvious fat from red meat, lamb, pork and beef, and Use minimal oil for cooking. Strive to two fish meals per week, one fish may be richer in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, sardines and trout.
Breads, cereals and potatoes
Food containing a high percentage of carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice and cereals provide us with energy and important nutrients, including iron and vitmain B. This type manirnica should do a third of total energy intake. It is important to choose that are richer in crude fiber. Because of them will be a long time to feel a sieve and will help control hunger. A balanced diet should contain five carbohydrate servings each day.
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide us the necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and contain many other components that are associated with healthy eating. Everyone should strive to increase the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet, because they are rich in water and can help control calorie intake. You should provide five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Portions weighs about 80 g and includes fresh, cooked, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables.
Milk and dairy
Food such as cheese, yogurt and milk is an important source of calcium and other vitamins and minerals. Choose those products with lower fat. You should strive to three servings each day.