Healthy Diet

on četvrtak, 3. ožujka 2011.

In order to maintain weight in a normal level and maintain health we should eat a variety of foods from five food groups. Weight loss of 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week weight loss which should not harm your health, and ultimately lose weight when you will not help much. To do this you need to reduce caloric intake by about 3.500 to 7.000 calories per week, which means less intake of about 500 to 1000 calories from the daily average consumption. You can reduce caloric intake by replacing high in one less caloric food like fruits, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates, and increase physical activity. Of course, it is important to watch than the kind of food you eat and portion sizes, which can be quite difficult, because obese people often kneventually lose a sense of what is "normal" serving.

Serving Size:

 - Meat and fish
 - Size of a deck of cards to play 
- Two eggs 
- four tablespoons of beans or lentils

Meat, fish and their alternative foods

 Meat, fish, eggs and alternative foods such as beans and lentils, contain proteins that are essential for growth and recovery. Foods rich in protein, especially meat, is also a rich source of iron, selenium, zinc and vitamin B. To further reduce fat intake with protein foods such as skin off the chicken, trim off the obvious fat from red meat, lamb, pork and beef, and Use minimal oil for cooking. Strive to two fish meals per week, one fish may be richer in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, sardines and trout.

Breads, cereals and potatoes  

Food containing a high percentage of carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice and cereals provide us with energy and important nutrients, including iron and vitmain B. This type manirnica should do a third of total energy intake. It is important to choose that are richer in crude fiber. Because of them will be a long time to feel a sieve and will help control hunger. A balanced diet should contain five carbohydrate servings each day.

Fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables provide us the necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and contain many other components that are associated with healthy eating. Everyone should strive to increase the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet, because they are rich in water and can help control calorie intake. You should provide five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Portions weighs about 80 g and includes fresh, cooked, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables.

Milk and dairy

Food such as cheese, yogurt and milk is an important source of calcium and other vitamins and minerals. Choose those products with lower fat. You should strive to three servings each day.

Table of normal weight compared to height

on četvrtak, 27. siječnja 2011.

This is only an approximate table of normal weight and do not forget - the muscle tissue is heavier than the same amount of adipose tissue. Generally, body weight is not the best method for determining the improvement / maintenance of your health. Determination of body fat (by the staff - doctors and trainers) gives a true picture of your body and goals that need to strive. How to Use the table below? Simply find the column height in cm your height in that order, depending on whether you are a man or a woman reading a range of ideal weight. For example, if you are a woman 162 cm tall - the range of your normal weight is 51-69 kg.

Height in cm
Weight in KG

Diet for Beginners !

on utorak, 25. siječnja 2011.

Keeping your child does not have to be difficult, although you convince many that is. With so many different diets, the program, supplements, various devices and gadgets that will accelerate your metabolism (most often while watching TV and being lazy), it is no wonder that most of those who want to take something on the occasion of your excess pounds rapidly west into apathy and give up. The truth is that most diets usually ineffective. Why is this so? There are answers as diet, but the common basis of the problem seems simple thing - you must choose a diet that is adjusted to your lifestyle and your character. If your child does not like you or is too tedious and disrupts your rhythm, you can hardly wait for "done with it" and return to the old way of eating.

There is no perfect diet. But if you are aware of their problems, their habits and their rhythm of life, you may already existing child who have been recommended by nutricionsta, adjust you and achieve desired results
The main problem with standard diets is that it suits everyone to some degree, but will also give only The average effect and not the best for you. It often happens that when you start with a diet the first week or two you may lose weight rapidly and then everything stops, although it still plays for children. Diet had a short-term effect, the body can adapt to the new regime of caloric intake and you can not continue to MRDN. It is therefore necessary to choose a diet that will suit you most, which will be torture and starvation, and that you will be able to accept as a permanent change in diet. Should take into account your health, the level and type of activity, body weight and height, metabolism, financial opportunities, where you live, which is the season to your existing eating habits.
There are a few basic rules that should hold no matter which diet you choose:
- Diet should you ulepsa life and not to destroy him. Eat the foods you love. Do not let your child disturbs the social life (you will not in the restaurant with friends because you will not resist the alcoholic beverage or dessert) to occupy your thoughts (obsessively count calories) or disturbing dream (of hunger you can not sleep and begins to suffer from insomnia). Take one diet that best fits your dietary habits of previous and which does not prohibit you favorite foods. Just so you can plan long-term changes in diet.
- Diet should not be extreme. Sudden loss of weight is dangerous to health, damaging your appearance and the effects are short-lived. Avoid the child fully expelled a group food, unless your doctor advises otherwise not. A balanced diet that includes all food groups ensures that you need more than vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.
-Drink plenty of water, od1.5 to 2 liters a day. It is best to Start your day with a glass or two of water. Remember that liquid entering through soups, juices and fruit so you do not need the power to drink 10 glasses of water.
- Let the smallest gap between meals is 3 hours and the most 5 hours. It is approximately 5 to 6 meals a day. Do not let me be too hungry, do not skip breakfast that will give you the most energy for the day and not go to bed hungry. Dine 2 hours before bedtime, but a soft food that you will not interfere with sleep.
-Enjoy your food. Eat slowly, because the human body needs about 20 minutes from the start of a meal to register satiety. If you eat slowly and well sazvacete every bit, then you will eat the time you enter a less food. Perhaps you even told that body is enough for half a meal.
- Practice. Physical activity is healthy in itself and should not be linked to diet. The body has to burn calories that you enter and it may slow walking, jogging, aerobics, dance. Today there are so many options that simply do not have excuses if a bar does not try.
- Speed up your metabolism. Do not avoid protein, they contain the building blocks of amino acids, slowly ingesting and you keep foods last longer and metabolism. Eat foods that boost metabolism. Now just yet to find a diet that will give you the most before. Just like that - that before.

UN diet

on nedjelja, 23. siječnja 2011.

UN diet is one of the most popular diets, at least in our region. Contributes to its popularity, which is very easy to use. The essence of this child is simply the separation of food, so one days we eat foods rich in protein, the second day of the starch so as to eat foods rich in starch, the third day of eating fruits and so 90 days with a team that we have a monthly water a day when nesmjemo nothing to eat but only We must drink water. Un diet proved very effective diet, in addition to the un used food diet used in the daily diet. For the entire duration of the UN child breakfast is always the same, and for breakfast we take two units of fruit (2 apples, 2 fruit, 2 orange ...) For other days you need to stick to this schedule.
1st Dan (as protein) - protein during the day you are allowed foods such as meat and meat products, fish, eggs ... you can also as a side dish to take various vegetables second Dan (as starch) - The second day of starch, which is required after the meat, a day before the carb. During the day you eat starch foods such as beans, cereals ... 3 Dan (carbohydrate per day) - it is all users of the child's favorite day because the day consuming only carbohydrate pasta, chocolate and chocolate products, pastries, cakes ... 4 Dan (fruit of) - on this day does not need too much talking. That day, eat only fruit. When finished with the first four days and starts all over again by 90 days with this, as noted above, once a month to have a water day. Un authors argue that a child with this child can will lose from 20-30kg, and as confirmed by many users and child advocates said. After completion of the child should gradually return to normal diet, because there is a possibility of a yo-yo effect, or restore the lost pounds.

Cabbage diet

on četvrtak, 20. siječnja 2011.

Cabbage diet is a diet that lasts seven days, but after seven days we can continue with the diet. Characteristic cabbage diet is that it is very simple to prepare, and also gives excellent results in terms of weight loss, but have also cleanses the body of fat and impurities. Characteristic cabbage diet is to burn more calories than we put into the body so that it is 100% effective. During the cabbage diet nesmjemo eat fried foods, sweets, bread, alcohol ... During the diet, or a period of seven days you can lose up to seven kilograms. But you'll lose weight unless you get power, you will be full of energy and very good you will feel. With the cabbage diet can be combined and other foods, but best results are achieved if you eat only Kupusov soup all day, with a soup of unsweetened drink more coffee or juice diet. If you eat only soup for seven days you can lose even more than ten kilograms. In the case of daizgubite more than ten kilograms are advised to immediately stop the diet. According to me if you want to lose weight fast diet cabbage is the choice of first

Meat diet

Meat-based diet is a diet in which we enter a very large intake of protein, carbs and we have to throw out or reduce them to a minimum. Meat-based diet has a special menu that we should use, it is essential that we bring you more food rich in protein (meat), and we do not eat anything else. So the meat can be prepared in any way. You can bake, cook or store it in any other way, and the only important thing that binds the meat diet is not to eat any pilozi. So nesmjete eat salad, no bread, nor anything else that is not animal, eat only meat, which will certainly appeal to vegetarians, but fortunately we are not vegetarians. In addition to losing weight meat diet will help you shape the body, because all these high-protein food that we serve as "fuel" the muscles so that muscles grow, and Inflatable waste. The meat diet is the best choice for those who want to lose weight rapidly and because of the meat diet my choice.

Fast diet

on ponedjeljak, 17. siječnja 2011.

Fast diet fast was named because it is supposedly for 10 days can lose 15 kilograma.Sve days the child eats the same food. For breakfast you eat fruit no matter what, can do everything except bananas and fruits oraščastih. For lunch they ate a chicken hot dog and two boiled eggs. For dinner, eat an apple and that's it. This recipe I got a nod from one woman who says this is a very fast diets, but after the tenth day you stop the diet. Lunch must be twenty days, and after that you can be even occur on the shares and that's it. When I first saw the title fast diet I thought it would be a special menu or something. Now I see that honestly this diet is not something special. But due to publish a code of iman promises readers "narrow" so here's a quick diet for your soul!