Meat diet

on četvrtak, 20. siječnja 2011.

Meat-based diet is a diet in which we enter a very large intake of protein, carbs and we have to throw out or reduce them to a minimum. Meat-based diet has a special menu that we should use, it is essential that we bring you more food rich in protein (meat), and we do not eat anything else. So the meat can be prepared in any way. You can bake, cook or store it in any other way, and the only important thing that binds the meat diet is not to eat any pilozi. So nesmjete eat salad, no bread, nor anything else that is not animal, eat only meat, which will certainly appeal to vegetarians, but fortunately we are not vegetarians. In addition to losing weight meat diet will help you shape the body, because all these high-protein food that we serve as "fuel" the muscles so that muscles grow, and Inflatable waste. The meat diet is the best choice for those who want to lose weight rapidly and because of the meat diet my choice.

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