At Food and Diet we understand the need to keep variety in your menu regardless of your weight loss plan or lifestyle. We have developed a recipe section that is sure to please even the pickiest eaters--allowing you to fix one meal for everyone.
A health foods diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets.Some of food for diet
1. Apples
The pectin in apples makes you feel more full. This is a great way to eat less. In addition, the pectin actually limits your cells fat absorption. Try an apple in the morning during breakfast or try it as a midday snack.
2. Avocadoes
Avocadoes are proof that a food does not have to be low in fat to help you lose weight. Instead, it needs to have the right kind of fat. Avocadoes contain more than 25 of the essential nutrients. When you eat an avocado you're getting B vitamins, potassium, vitamin E, and lutein.
3. Grapefruits
Of all the citrus foods, grapefruit ranks the best as a diet food. It can lower your insulin levels which in turn will make you less hungry. If you don't like grapefruit, add a different citrus fruit. Both grapefruits and oranges can increase your metabolism. The vitamin C actually dilutes fat.
4. Hot peppers
Spicy foods such as jalapeños are one of the best diet foods. They give a quick boost to the metabolism. They also prove that healthy food is not necessarily bland.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli is a powerful anticancer food. Its high in calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It's filling without being high in calories.
6. Whole grain breads
If you've been paying attention, you know that evil carbs are the current diet buster. If you just stay away from all carbs, some of the diets proclaim, you'll lose weight no matter what else you eat. That's not only wrong, it's downright dangerous for both your health and your diet. There's a reason that the Bible refers to bread as 'the staff of life'.
Instead of cutting out carbs, you should be aiming to reduce them to a healthy portion of your diet - which most doctors agree is about 50-60% of your caloric intake. That means that if you're on a 1500 calorie a day diet, you should be striving to get about 900 calories a day from grains, fruits and vegetables. Whole grain breads pack a lot of nutritional value. Replace your two slices of white toast with 1/2 a cup of oatmeal or whole grain cereal, and for about the same number of calories, you'll be getting three times the vitamins, amino acids and roughage that your body needs to function. You'll feel full far longer, too - because you've given your body something to work on that will take a while to digest.
7. Fish
Eat at least three servings of fish per week, say many major medical associations. Fish is low in fat, as high in protein as red meat, and provides something that most other proteins don't - omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is one of the main building blocks in your cells. If your body doesn't get enough Omega 3, it will try to build cells from other fatty acids. The problem is that those cells are not as flexible, and not quite the right shape. Among the cells that aren't quite right are the ones in your brain that help control impulses and tell your body what it needs. By providing enough Omega 3 for your body to use, you'll be healing the damage done through years of poor diet. And since fish, as a general rule, has fewer calories than most meats, you'll be saving calories, too. Just remember that you're REPLACING portions of meat with fish, not adding them to what you already eat.
8. Spinach
At 13 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrate in 2 cups of chopped raw spinach, this is one of the lowest cost sources of nutrition you can give your body. Every serving gives you folic acid, manganese,beta-carotene, protein, lutein (a potent anti-oxidant), magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin K. You can eat it raw in salads, steamed as a side dish, or sautéed in a tiny bit of oil for a different taste, and still get all the nutritional benefits.
9. Olive Oil
Your body does need a little fat to process vitamins and use them properly. Olive oil is a mono-unsaturated fat that is the primary source of fat in the so-called Mediterranean diet. It contains antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene and vitamin E, among other things. One tablespoon has a whopping 125 calories, but drizzled on a 13 calorie spinach salad with a little lemon juice and some garlic, you still have a meal with less than 150 calories - and a whole lot of healthy fuel for your body.
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